What are we doing?
At Laycock Primary School, we are doing a number of things to minimise the risk and spread of Coronavirus. These include:
- Advice and guidance issued by the Department of Education and Public Health England are reviewed daily by our Senior Leadership Team. These updates are then used to help us develop and inform our contingency plans. Heads across our Multi-Academy Trust are in regular contact to ensure that our responses are swift, sensible and consistent.
- We have strengthened our daily cleaning routines and placed an increased focus on the cleaning of classrooms and toilets.
- Each classroom has been provided with hand sanitiser which is used regularly throughout the day.
- Each classroom has been provided with anti-bacterial spray allowing tables to be wiped down in-between learning sessions.
- Toilets are checked and cleaned regularly.
- Extra time is given to the children each day to wash their hands especially before lunch. They are supervised in doing this to ensure this task is completed properly.
- Planned events and meetings for staff in school have been rescheduled to reduce the number of people visiting and passing through school.
- Trips have been cancelled for the foreseeable future.
- We have a remote learning offer in place
We hope this information provides you with an update, but this is an ever-evolving situation and one that we are reviewing daily. Please be reassured that we will continue to make decisions that are in the best interests of the whole school community and in-line with guidance provided by the Department of Education and Public Health England. We know you will all have many questions but would ask that where possible, you contact the office via telephone. As the situation changes we will update you again.