
All schools are required to submit attendance figures to the Department for Education.  It is the Governing Body’s responsibility to maintain and improve pupils’ attendance.  It is parents’ responsibility to make sure that their children attend school regularly. Regular attendance is essential in order to benefit fully from the educational and social opportunities offered. We do not authorise days off from school as a general rule. Dental and medical appointments should be made after school wherever possible.  Erratic attendance sets a bad example and pupils who have poor attendance miss teaching and their progress suffers.  The minimum expected attendance over the year is 97%.

If children are late (after 8.50am.) they must go to the Main Reception entrance and use the school entrance buzzer. Late-comers will be recorded and school records “lates” accordingly.

If you are unable to collect your child at home time, please advise us of the adult you are giving us permission to send your child home with, by telephone, email or letter. We will never allow a child to leave school with another adult other than their parent/carer without your permission.

If your child is ill it is essential that you inform the school by 9.00 am on the same day, by telephone, in person, by letter with another child or email. We need to know why your child is absent, for whatever reason, so that the Attendance Regulations can be met by the school.

If a child is absent from school without notification, you will be contacted by the school on the first day of absence so that registers can be updated. Authorised absences include illness, emergency medical appointments, special days for religious observance or exceptional circumstances with prior permission from the Head Teacher.  No holidays should be taken in school times as this disrupts your child’s education and will not be authorised.