Year 3/4

Welcome to Year 3/4. The teacher in this class is called Mrs Thornton. Miss Parker is our LSA.

Being in Year 3/4 is really exciting. The children are really starting to become more independent now and their learning becomes increasingly challenging.

On a Monday morning, the children in Year 4 go swimming. The class have their PE lesson on a Thursday. Children can wear their PE kit to school on this day.

Throughout school, we ask our children to read at home every day. We would encourage parents to listen to their child read and sign their reading journal every time they read at home. There is also space in the journal to write down anything they may have found tricky. We will then pick this up in school.

Finally, we send lots of information and messages home via ClassDojo and ask parents to download the app so that they don’t miss anything. If you need any help with this, please speak to your class teacher.

Each terms curriculum leaflet can be found here.