Curriculum Plans

At Laycock Primary School we cater for mixed-age classes by delivering our curriculum content over a two year rolling programme.

We are currently in the process of updating our curriculum ready for September 2024. Watch this space for more information!

Year 1/2 – Summer 2024

RE Syllabus

We follow the Bradford syllabus for RE, Believing and Belonging in West Yorkshire.

RSE Curriculum
Our RSE curriculum is delivered through themes, over a two-year cycle. More information can be found here.
It includes online safety which is taught discreetly in blocks at the start of every term. Our curriculum content builds on the Early Years Framework aspects of Personal, Social and Emotional Development and the ‘Building Relationships’ Early Learning Goal. At Laycock Primary School we do not offer additional content on sex education over and above that delivered within the Science statutory curriculum and the statutory Health Curriculum content. Puberty content is taught in years 4, 5 and 6 through the themes of ‘It’s My Body’ and ‘Growing Up’ and parents will be informed prior to curriculum delivery, but do not have the right to withdraw their children from this element of curriculum delivery. This content is taught as follows:
  • Year 4 – About the physical and emotional changes that happen when approaching and during puberty, (including menstruation for girls);
  • Year 5 – Preparing boys and girls for the changes that adolescence brings.
  • Year 6 – How the process of puberty relates to human reproduction.

For more information, please see our RSE Policy under our Policy section.

If you have any queries regarding our curriculum content then please email the school office in the first instance: or phone the school on 01535 605916.

In line with the Equality Act 2010 and the SEN and Disability Act 2014, we ensure that all our pupils have equal access to our curriculum content and opportunities, by way of careful consideration of the characteristics and needs of our pupils, and the approaches to curriculum delivery.
In line with paragraph 2.13 of the Equality Act 2010, there is an exception for daily acts of worship, which are broadly Christian in nature. Parents retain their right to withdraw their children from collective acts of worship.
Please see below for our latest curriculum leaflets for each year group.